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Jun 15

Honor Our Fathers Day

Jun 15

Honor Our Fathers Day

Join Us in Celebrating Our Father’s Faith. Honor Our Father’s Day June 15th, 2024.
It is a tumultuous world. The integrity of democracy is under siege, with elected officials swaying towards interests detrimental to its very essence. Concurrently, the rights of American fathers of African Descent have been systematically undermined, leaving many disenfranchised and disempowered.
Moreover, the moderate voices with faith appear to be dwindling, allowing extremism to hijack the narrative, and the men perpetrate violence and ignorance in the name of religion or culture.
It is imperative that men of faith, integrity, and honor rise to the occasion to stem this tide of injustice and moral decay. Faith teaches men to uphold the sanctity of life, to honor our responsibilities as fathers, and to champion justice and righteousness in the communities we live.
Yet, in the face of rampant corruption and violence, these principles are being trampled upon by the faithless who manipulate and exploit humanity or their own gain.
Native Sons are Men of faith, who stand up for what is right, to defend the rights, and to ensure that justice prevails in our society. Native Sons are Fathers who cannot afford to remain silent in the face of oppression and injustice.
Silence only serves to embolden the oppressors and prolong the suffering of the oppressed. History has shown us repeatedly that when good men remain silent, evil prevails.
We cannot allow ourselves to be complicit in the crimes committed against our sons. We must speak out against injustice, hold our elected officials accountable, and work towards a society where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.
As fathers, of African Descent, we have inherited a special legacy to nurture and protect our children, to instill in them the values of compassion, empathy, and justice. Otherwise, every generation will perish.
Yet, how can we fulfill this duty when our rights as fathers are being abdicated? We must fight for our rights, not just for ourselves, but for the sake of our children and future generations.
It is incumbent upon fathers to reclaim their narrative from those who pervert it for their own selfish ends. We must reject extremism and organize men who emphasize peace, compassion, and integrity.
It is up to each one of us to choose whether we will stand on the side of righteousness or allow ourselves to be swayed by the forces of darkness. Let us heed the call of our faith, honor our responsibilities as fathers, and work towards a better future for all of humanity.
The time for silence is over. It is time to speak out and take a stand for what is right. It does not matter if I answer the call alone.
Honor our Father’s Day is dedicated to honoring the faith of 250, 000 fathers of African Descent, who defeated slavery on the battlefield to insure no child would ever be a slave in America again, and no father would ever be denied his children.
Their faith will not be wasted or become disposable.

Honor Our Father's Day
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Honor our Father’s Day is dedicated to honoring the faith of 250, 000 fathers of African Descent, who defeated slavery on the battlefield to insure no child would ever be a slave in America again, and no father would ever be denied his children. Their faith will not be wasted or become disposable.

Event Type: Event

Event Attendance Mode: OfflineEventAttendanceMode

Event Status: EventScheduled

Performer: Organization

Performer Name: NewNegro Media

Performer URL: https://newnegromedia.com/

Start Date: 2024-06-15 08:00

End Date: 2024-06-15 08:00

Availability: InStock

Availability Starts: 2024-06-15T08:00:00


Jun 15
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3100 Monroe Chicago
3100 Monroe
Chicago, IL United States
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+1 3 128 035 829
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NewNegro Media LLC
+1 312-803-5829
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