In honour of our ancestors who fought and won slavery

African Men Slavery

From the depths of the darkest days,
Our ancestors fought, in countless ways,
Against the chains that bound them tight,
And won their freedom through the night.

Their strength and courage, a testament,
To the spirit of Africa, resilient and bent,
But never broken, never defeated,
For their will to be free could never be cheated.

They endured the lash, the whip, the pain,
But they refused to be slaves again,
And so they rose up, one and all,
To tear down the walls of their prison walls.

Through sweat, and tears, and bloodshed,
They marched towards the future ahead,
With their heads held high, and hearts ablaze,
Their spirit unbreakable, their destiny unswayed.

They fought for freedom, for justice, for peace,
For a chance to live, and love, and be,
And in their struggle, we find inspiration,
A legacy of strength and determination.

So let us honor our ancestors’ fight,
And hold their memory, in clear sight,
For they paved the way, for us to be,
Proud and free, in all our dignity.

Let us carry their torch, with pride,
And keep their spirit, alive inside,
For in their courage, we find the key,
To a future of hope and possibility.

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