Native Sons Who We Are/About US

Ebuka Okwara black american men in suit with afrcan men intradi 97a68bb7 cd81 45bb b228 0bc223afa9d8

If you plan for one year, grow rice. If you plan for ten years, grow trees. If you plan for one hundred years, grow men.

Manhood is the state of being man as a human being while masculinity is the degree or property of being masculine. You cannot enslave a man without stealing his manhood. A man without manhood:

1. Will talk more and listen less
2. Will shy away from responsibilities
3. Is more argumentative and far less accommodating
4. Will never wear a smile on his face
5. Will neither love or respect children and elders
6. Will never save, always spend, and always borrow.
7. Does not read or reads little
8. He feels no moral obligation to become intelligent

The unattached and immature adult male is every society’s first social problem. Basic male energy and sexuality are not naturally refined. African Manhood must be reclaimed, harnessed, and channeled in directions that are beneficial and safe to the at large society of Africans.

Gentlemen do not just happen. Welcome to New Negro Media, the official record and reference of African Manhood for gentlemen of distinction.

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